个人档案<男|未婚|1961年11月出生|属牛|天蝎座|身高:172cm|本科|government employee|职业类型:行政、人事、文秘、办公室职员、国家干部、公务员等|平均月收入:2000 - 3000元人民币|户籍地区:江苏大丰|居住地区:江苏大丰>
男,1961年11月生,未婚,身高172厘米,本科学历,government employee,平均月收入2000 - 3000元人民币。江苏大丰户口,在江苏大丰居住,有婚房。I travel a lot around the world because of my business work. I'm burdened with heavy work all day long. I should have a safety harbour now and I'm planning to find a pretty, charming, sweet, tender and witty lady with excellent education. Are you my love of dream? Contact me if you like. I'll be happy to talk to you. 征婚地区:不限。